There has been significant media attention placed on relay online flower delivery retailer, Bloomex, of late.
The attention circulates around the amount of negative reviews the business has received. They are setting records for complaints and building a reputation for all the wrong reasons.
Failing to deliver flowers or any product for that matter is a obviously a serious problem, but turning a blind eye to complaints is incompressible. Business is all about relationships. And it doesn’t matter what business you’re in, if you don’t make your customers happy, or bend over backwards when a mistake happens, you will go broke. Period.
I personally think it’s pretty low to complain on social media without discussing the issue with the company first, but in this day and age business owners can’t expect that as a common decency. Most of us florists (maybe not so much the relay guys) are trying our hardest to deliver flowers of perfection, but there are always things that will be out of our control (don’t get us started on couriers!) and we firstly deserve to be able to make it up to the customer if something doesn’t meet their expectation. If we don’t, fire away!
The Office of Fair Trading Suggests you check refund policies before you arrange flower delivery online, which is great advice. But my ultimate tip however, is to bypass the relay guys and big 'McDonald’s like' flower brands. Go to a little bit more trouble and search for a local florist. If their website isn’t up to scratch, give them a second chance with a quick phone call. There won’t be fees and commissions eating into your pocket (yes, they get passed on to you) and you’ll be supporting someone who isn’t laser focused on profits versus delivering flowers that are creative, fresh and exactly as you want them to be.
x Kate