Florist Talk | Recycling Green Waste

Florist Talk | Recycling Green Waste

As people who work with nature day in and day out, we have even more of a reason to want the best for our planet. Here at Kate Hill, we are proud to recycle 100% of our green waste (and cardboard).

We all know both the responsibility and benefits of cultivating a world where plants and animals can continue to live in harmony. Without taking care of the Earth, we don’t have access to bees who pollinate flowers that create beautiful bouquets. A small example, but one that hits closer to home for us and our craft.

We have to be upfront that when it comes to this industry, there’s also (unfortunately) quite a bit of waste that occurs when building arrangements or landscaping in general. This is largely referred to as green waste, and there are now efforts to recycle it. In this blog, we’ll cover some ideas about how you can recycle your green waste and prevent it from ending up in a landfill. 

What is green waste? 

Green waste in bin

Green waste, also known as garden waste, is organic waste that is biodegradable and compostable. It may include flowers, twigs, leaves, weeds, and grass cuttings. The trick is to remember that green waste needs to be green and should be separated from brown waste like dried leaves, pine straw, and hay. While the two may seem similar, green waste actually has more nitrogen while brown waste has more carbon, so they’re separated differently.    

How do I ensure my green waste gets to the right place? 

Compost bins

This largely depends on where you live. For example, in the UK, 94 percent of local councils actually provide resources for green waste collection. Pretty awesome, right? Other cities in the United States have services that you can call on demand for curb-side pick-up if you have green waste. You’ll have to do a bit of research to understand the system in your area but be sure to sort out your green waste according to regulations and get it to the area it needs to go in your town or city. 

If you’re looking to go for the do-it-yourself approach, you can also build a compost pile. When you start to build your own, you can actually balance it with a good mix of brown and green waste so that you have both carbon and nitrogen-rich materials. However, it’s best to do this after the fact and not have brown and green already mixed together. Chop up any large items like tree limbs and ensure that it gets some moisture, but don’t allow it to get soaked by a rainstorm. You should also turn the mixture occasionally so that it redistributes the material as it decomposes. If this all sounds a bit complicated, there are also composting containers you can use to get the same job done! 

What can recycled green waste be used for? 

Top soil

Think this sounds like a whole lot of work with no gain? Fear not! Recycled green waste has a variety of purposes that make the whole process worth it. For you, as a florist, the most relevant one is as topsoil. Yet, it can also be used in sewage disposable and renewable energy. While it may be easiest to just throw your green waste in the landfill bins, there are always options. Finding them is just the right thing to do, even if it is a little bit more work.

Kate x


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